Class 3: Sales Stages in Customer Journey Reports
Alright. So let's talk about, the customer journey analytics tool a little bit and all this news, good stuff that's coming in. And, like, my last post post had a lot of confusion. Like, people were asking a couple of questions about the inclusion of sales stages and how it's gonna change, you know, things like that.
So first things first, what this, what the sales stages that are included right now. So if you go to customize, you can see, we have deal stages, all sales stages. And you can see your different pipelines, and within those you can see the different stages. So you can, you know, basically add, those stages, within the journey.
So what it is not so let's let's talk about that one first.
So this is not a replacement for your deep funnel report, which is very important to consider, because some people have thought, like, this is gonna no. People are gonna, replace this with, the deep funnel report and, like, how's that gonna work? And can we leverage the same capabilities? No.
We cannot. It's a totally different thing. It's not a deal funnel report. So, let me show you why.
It's like they are totally different thing. I cannot emphasize this enough. If you're gonna think this is a different report, you're gonna totally, you know, mess your entire, reporting strategy, and it will be like totally a bad data. It's like comparing number of contacts in your system with the number of deals.
Doesn't make any sense. Click on deals. Nothing happens. Click on contacts. New reporting tool. So this is an upgraded version of, again, not your deal stages, upgraded version of your contact life cycle stages.
So what I think it is, this entire journey analytics is is the ability to see what's happening under the hood in your, general pipeline report. Just like I have this in in my dummy account. Playground. So, like, from prospect to all the way to evangelist, like, what what it made up of.
And previously, we could, you know, use some sort of, source filter or industry filter or like whatnot, like any kind of filters to slice these reports on different kinds of things. Like, okay, this funnel report only includes contacts from, you know, social, or paid media or whatnot. But we couldn't, like, you know, see what's happening under the hood, what are the interactions that's taking place. So this is what the tool is changing.
So I found two good method of using this tool. You can go, very, like, high level on what's happening on your account level. So you can start using the life cycle stages for that. And then you can see, like, what are the drop offs.
Generally speaking, where people skip stages.
We, as a company that partners, we do not, let people skip life cycle stages, as of now, but, we are looking into that. So currently, we do not let them skip stages because it ruins the previous one report, and a lot of people don't have, marketing enterprise. So that's one.
But but you could do that. Like, this is my personal opinion. You could do that, if you have this reporting and you can actually see the drop offs. Like, where like, what is the major drop off people are seeing?
Like, are you seeing a lot of deep opportunity? Okay. Why why is, like, your MQL and SQL not working? So this is a very high level approach that you can take.
Then second good approach is you can go very specific. Like, for example, if you wanna see a journey of contacts that had a very specific ad interaction with a very specific ad group, you can, you know, filter it by ad group ID or even a particular ID, which is not a good idea, of course. But you can go, there, and then you have all those different kind of interactions that a contact will have with your brand. So contacts will, you know, interact with your forms, with your marketing emails, with your, sales email, with your, payments.
Wow. And, different kinds of sequences, your website pages. So all this cool stuff, like, you can go very specific. You can build this report campaign by campaign.
So this is like, in a nutshell, a very, very shallow. I cannot do enough justice to this the power of this tool. You can, you know, build tons of reports. Just make sure don't go crazy.
Just make sure think about, the question you're trying to answer when building this report, and you'll be good. It's overwhelming. It has a lot of options. Like every field, like every stage you can, you know, add filters.
You can add multiple steps in stages. So it's just, surreal.
Next, what is the use of same stages then? Then? So now, previously, we could just see, okay, this contact went to here, and we had, you know, two seventy contacts in SQL, and then finally two one four in opportunity. Fake conversion.
Fake account, of course. But what's happening in the opportunity? Like, where which stages are people landing in? The context are landing in, very specific.
So basically, now we can expand on this opportunity part. That's what the sales stages portion of the build is. And there are certain hacks that, you can also build on top of that. So one of the thing that I built is like these, this is the report for two pipelines.
These are two different pipelines. So this is like first pipeline, from discovery to one. No one has hundred percent conversion. Again, it's big data, fake account, dummy account, of course.
And And then this is the second pipeline where, these same contacts, these exact same people. So you can see, so focus on Mia, Robinson, James, and Adam Lewis. Focus on these three. So these are all, you know, let's say they won the deal, in the pipeline.
That's their journey. And you can tie in with, like, what's happened before that and after that. You I'll just explain that. And after that, close one to onboarding.
So these three people also completed, you know, certain journey that they had to complete in our onboarding pipeline. Many people, you know, do the onboarding in, tickets or deals. To leverage this feature, you have to use deals for now, and deals are fairly linear. So these are, like, in different pipeline.
So we can interconnect the pipeline. Yes. The order of completion matters right now. So this is, based on my, you know, understanding of this report so far.
I hope this answers some of the questions.
Let me know if you have any questions and you wanna brainstorm something or have any good ideas for that. Feel free to share, and then, we can talk about it. Thanks. Bye.