We are RevPartners
Doers of Big Things

Who is RevPartners?
Our vision is to unlock the latent potential for human flourishing. The RevPartners team learns how to become lethal and stay sharp. If that means we have trained some people so well that we have lost them to customers and competitors, that's just a reflection of how powerful the vision is.
Our mission is to democratize RevOps by making it accessible, consumable, and actionable in HubSpot. In less than two years, RevPartners went on to become the fastest-tiering HubSpot Solutions partner in history to achieve platinum, diamond, and elite level statuses. Those achievements turned a lot of heads, and there are now people banging on the door just for a chance to join the fun.
Our story is just getting started, but we're going to change the world through RevOps. Come join the movement!
The RP Way

100% Stewardship
We have a maniacal drive to improve anything we are given.
Clarity Creator
We create order from disorder with pinpoint precision. We say "yes" and "no", never "maybe" or "ok"
Do Your Best, Not Your All
We love our work, but it does not define us. We are humans, not machines
Fail Forward
We move fast, we break things, and we constantly improve
Forward Momentum
We. Just. Go. We reject indifference and embrace endurance
Servant's Heart
We live and give generously by actively sharing knowledge and time without boundaries

NOT an Agency
Let's be honest, we've all felt let down by an agency.
That feeling of over-promising and under-delivering.
The traditional agency model acts like a waiter: taking your order and giving exactly what you ask for.
But if you know your problem, you wouldn't need experts to help.
We act as a doctor, diagnosing the problem and delivering the solution that impacts your bottom line.
The RP Team
Click a card to go to their LinkedIn profile.
Adam Statti
Copywriter A semi-professional poker player in a previous life, never play cards with Adam unless you want to lose all your money.rocket_launchAwesome 99 DrawCopywriting 95 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 playing_cardsPoker Face 85 -
Alex Kloeti
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Alma Khan
Facts Our payroll wizard who ensures your money doesn't take the scenic route through tax landscapes, making compliance look like a delightful adventure!rocket_launchAwesome 99 zoom_inAttention to Detail 98 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 beach_accessVacation Planning 95 -
Aman Vij
Facts Migrations mastermind ready to help you escape Salesforce and start living in HubSpot paradise.rocket_launchAwesome 99 move_upHubSpot Migrations 98 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 sports_cricketCricket Bowling 77 -
Andrew Lydon
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Blake Cormier
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Brendan Tolleson
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Brian Kreutz
Facts Always dressed in golf attire in case he gets a last minute tee time invite, Brian navigates his partner's like a tough golf hole, using strategy and tactics to efficiently get the deisered results in record time.rocket_launchAwesome 99 account_treeRoot Cause Solutioning 91 fast_forwardForward Momentum 88 sports_golfGolf Game 99 -
Cameron Collins
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Cassie Moreno
Facts Cassie once famously ran a social media campaign for a political candidate that resulted in a landslide victory, which is impressive considering the candidate had been deceased since 1904.rocket_launchAwesome 99 shareSocial Media 99 Personal_injuryFail Forward 98 theater_comedyMusical Theater 94 -
Chrissy Petrozzella
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Christian Colegrove
Facts RevOps Pro, Rowing coach, Musician, IT-guy, SEO Wiz - Christian holds too many titles to keep up with! He's always smiling and spreads cheer and joy every time you have a conversation with him.rocket_launchAwesome 99 Query_statsSEO Expertise 95 battery_charging_fullDo Your Best, Not Your All 98 music_noteMusicianship 99 -
Colt Steingraber
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Dante Ingro
Facts Give Dante a Google sheet and a problem, and he can solve it. Combine that with being a lutist and a dog lover... Superstarrocket_launchAwesome 99 sheets_rtlGoogle Sheets Scripting 99 diversity_1Servant's Heart 98 sound_detection_dog_barkingLove of Dogs 95 -
David Melton
Facts Not only does he fearlessly lead his strategists and partners to success, he also commissions one heck of a fantasy football league, complete with data analytics and season projections.rocket_launchAwesome 99 handyman visibility bakery_diningGluten Tolerance 0 -
David Passman
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
David "RebOps" Rebellon
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 sync_problemProblem Solving 97 diversity_1Servant's Heart 99 agricultureLiving Off-Grid 88 -
Diana Gonzalez
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Diandra Fabro
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Emily Newell
Facts Trusts her gut to ask the right questions, and is skilled at joining the dots to help form a strong revenue strategy! She loves to sail in the summer and will always make herself available for a chat or to help a colleague!rocket_launchAwesome 99 databaseData Modelling 97 diversity_1Servant's Heart 98 sailingSailing the Ocean Blue 95 -
Eric Osteen
Facts The only skill that rivals Eric's ability to create clarity and drive alignment is his devotion to the hunt (Deer hunting, that is).rocket_launchAwesome 99 handyman visibilityClarity Creator 97 grassHunting 84 -
Frank Devine
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Hagen Fulford
Facts During QBR month, Hagen is known to eat, sleep and dream data, numbers, reports and excel sheets. Not sure he gets his recommended daily amount of Vitamin C, but he does get the job done!rocket_launchAwesome 99 numbersNumber Crunching 88 battery_charging_fullDo Your Best, Not Your All 98 escalator_warningKid-Related Injuries 13 -
Hannah Rubin
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Henry Wee
Facts Does he ever sleep? We'll never know the answer to that, but we do know he can build a fire HubSpot instance by snapping his fingers (and deploying through Supered).rocket_launchAwesome 99 handyman visibility bakery_dining -
Igor Oliveira
Facts Fun fact: the name "Igor" means "warrior", which would make sense if he hadn't foregone joining the military to become an unbelievably talented video editor and an accomplished audio engineer.rocket_launchAwesome 99 Graphic_eqAudio Mixing 97 diversity_1Servant's Heart 98 music_noteMusic Taste 87 -
Jennifer Nault
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Jessica Anderson
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Joshua Jun
Facts What's Joshua's strengths? As he often says, "That's a great question" He is excellent at creating clarity and making you feel heard. No questions are dumb questions for him and will always put on a smiling face and address them with warmth.rocket_launchAwesome 99 psychiatryGrowth Mindset 98 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 sports_golfGolf 96 -
Justin Normand
Facts A hardworker and perfectionist who loves to get things done the right way! He's also great at cooking and is a wine enthusiast too.rocket_launchAwesome 99 lab_researchResearch & Preparation 99 diversity_1Servant's Heart 95 check_circlePerfectionist 95 -
Katelyn Brock
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Katia Solórzano
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Kristeen Romero
Facts China's 1st official HubSpot Certified Trainer. Her make.com skills make her the a lethal weapon for supercharging your revenue enginerocket_launchAwesome 99 handymanMake.com 98 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 stadia_controllerRetro Games 95 -
Laine Simmons
Facts Periodic table aficionado who adds elements of fun, collaboration, and electrifying energy to our workplace, ensuring our team bonds are as strong as covalent bonds.rocket_launchAwesome 99 settings_accessibilityEmployee Experience 99 diversity_1Servant's Heart 100 scienceNoble Gases 95 -
Lexi Gilbert
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Lizzie Brouns
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Lorin Skinner
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 playlist_add_checkRequirement Gathering 96 Personal_injuryFail Forward 99 smart_toyIntimacy with ChatGPT 89 -
Manik Soi
Facts If you are an API, you should be scared of Manik. He transforms your tech stack into a powerful ally, streamlining your data management and enhancing overall efficiency.rocket_launchAwesome 99 move_upHubSpot Integrations 97 fast_forwardForward Momentum 100 ExerciseGym Gains 88 -
Matt Fehrmann
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Misraim Orozco
Facts The things that Misraim "Mizzy" Orozco can do with raw footage and graphic design were, until recently, classified by the federal governments of 19 countries. Yeah, he's that good.rocket_launchAwesome 99 brushDa Vinci Resolve 96 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 lyricsProblems 99 -
Murillo Soranso
Facts In his spare time, our Learning & Development lead is a Master Gardener! Murillo is all about helping ALL things plant roots and grow, especially RP'ers!rocket_launchAwesome 99 schoolEducator 99 visibilityClarity Creator 98 deceasedFertilizer Composition 95 -
Nikki Sneed
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Nelson Manzur
Facts A man for whom sleep never comes, he spends his evenings in his lab creating award-winning video concepts with his amigito, Insomnia.rocket_launchAwesome 99 videocamAdobe Premiere 98 visibilityClarity Creator 96 hotelCircadian Rhythm -2 -
Pat Hopkins
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Paul Good
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Pete Roberts
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Phill Ogden
Facts Always up for a challenge. Whenever you hand Phill a challenge, you already know the answer is gonna be along the lines of "bring it on, I'm ready"rocket_launchAwesome 99 voice_selectionCommunication 98 visibilityClarity Creator 98 rice_bowlBao Making 19 -
Rashida Goryawala
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Ricky Shell
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Ro Reagan
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Rob Jones
Facts His goal in life is to get a cease and desist letter from the Salesforce legal teamrocket_launchAwesome 99 Emoji_ObjectsCreativity 92 fast_forwardForward Momentum 100 Psychology_AltSuspected Sanity 4 -
Rodrigo Buenfil
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Sam Agarwal
Facts When not taking his dog, Mr. Google, for a walk, Sam works tirelessly with the RP team to help execute high level projects for our Partners.rocket_launchAwesome 99 tacticPlaybook Execution 96 fast_forwardForward Momentum 87 sports_cricketCricket Batting 55 -
Sasha Sosin
Facts The Website Wizard. Are you going through this site thinking "I wish our website looked like this"? Well guess what, Sasha built this masterpiece.rocket_launchAwesome 99 format_color_fillWorking Over Capacity 98 volunteer_activismStewardship 100 pianoMusic Production 93 -
Sergio Barragan
Facts Need to cleanup your CRM? Sergio will whip up a Python script to find duplicates and accurately extract messy single-line text values into useful information.rocket_launchAwesome 99 auto_transmissionPython Automations 92 fast_forwardForward Momentum 99 chessBoard Game Strategy 80 -
Shadab Khan
Facts Some say he is a fortune teller because he knows about HubSpot features before HubSpot even knows about them. He is the alpha king of the Feature Betas.rocket_launchAwesome 99 monitoringHubSpot Reporting 99 visibilityClarity Creator 100 comic_bubbleAnime Memes 77 -
Tera Willingham
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Thomas Hoover
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 codeSpeed-coding 96 fast_forwardForward Momentum 99 downhill_skiingSkiing jump skills 99 -
Trey Evans
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Vinny Kennedy
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99 -
Will Smith
Factsrocket_launchAwesome 99 code 96 fast_forward 99 downhill_skiing 99