Class 6: Supered Process Enablement
Hello team. So this one is a huge, huge, huge, huge thing.
I am not a very big fan of all those third party apps and integrations and stuff. I would like to keep my stuff as native as possible, whenever I'm building. But this one is going to fundamentally change how we use HubSpot as users, as salespeople, revenue teams, and how we build solutions as DevOps professionals. So let me show you why.
So you can see a couple of, you know, banners here. So I want to show you what, what I'm up to. So here's the workflow. It's a crazy, crazy workflow on the right hand side.
Basically what's happening. I'm doing all those crazy validation. You know, you can see I'm sending slack, I'm creating task. Zoom in a little bit, creating task.
I'm sending, internal emails and then checking same exact condition multiple times. And this is super important because, we need that data. We need that clean data so that, our reporting is fine. And ultimately our decision making is good.
And my actual, automation is just this part, just two steps. All of these is needed, to get those sales reps and everyone to, you know, remind them gently to get those things created. I can add a strict rule where, if if none of this are true and then don't even, you know, move forward with the automation, but that will create another huge problem where, the the automation will never fire and you will never know what happened, what went wrong. So that's why I, whenever I'm building large solution to this workplace, one, this one of the, workflows among that large solution that I was building.
So the idea is to get people to fill those information so I can finally go ahead and, create their record and then, they can move on with their lives and I can, and so we are on the good terms. And if it failed finally, so I'm actually, you know, I have to, you know, capture those failed reason. This is why a data point number one is missing and, we didn't find any reason, but but it failed. So I'm capturing that.
But, you know, this will all be super simplified if we can use this. This is super. So you can see, I wanted, folks to have a decision maker when the deal is greater than certain amount. So, fifty ks, us dollars of what of deal needs to have a decision maker contact associated with them.
This one doesn't have it. So it's showing me an error. You have a decision maker problem here. And then I've added embedded a super card, which will actually show you how to add decision maker.
So it's all right here contextually. There is this warning. It's a more of a soft thing. You know, you don't have a next step.
Make sure you add one that will help you make more cash. And then we are also, you know, giving some encouragement on positive behavior. So yeah, this particular person, for example, went ahead and added a company segment on the company level. So it's checking cross objects.
So let me show you an example. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'll be bad and remove this, company segment real quick. So segment, and I'm gonna make this, and then this should get rid of our, green banner. So let's refresh.
And now they don't have an encouragement from me. Yeah, you can be creative about that. Add emojis, text, and add hyperlinks, embed hyperlinks in your card. You can basically embed, infographics, everything.
Whatever you do in the cards, cards are fairly flexible. So you can embed that card. Let's, let's try to solve this error. So this particular, record, the associated contact, doesn't have the decision maker.
I'm like not super good with my wording. So this is just a test. So no, nothing is on here. So I'll go here and I saw that loom, for example, and then I know, this is how you add decision maker.
So buying role. And then I went ahead and added a decision maker and then save. So now we have, you know, the error is gone and the positive one is gone because I removed that data. So it's not just taking the, deal level.
It's also checking, the contact level. So this deal has no next step. So if we want to get rid of this warning, we'll just have to fill the next step. So how do you create one?
So in super, you have to contact a Matt or Steve or someone from the super team, to get this. I don't know if it's still in beta. I was trying super hard to get the beta. Finally got my hands on and like I'm super excited about this.
So you can, just create a rule. You can select which object you want to operate on and then whatever title this is for your internal purposes, which will be displayed here, whatever you want to display on that banner, which will go here. And then, if you want to embed a particular card that you have already created, this will go here. And then you have a filter which will operate on the same object level.
And then, you have the association. So this will go cross object. So it's going to check what is the associated object. So you can do a couple, a lot of things like contact company deals, tickets, calls, meeting link.
I don't know. It's just crazy. The possibilities are endless. I'm just doing this in test instance.
And, as soon as I roll this out for one of our actual client, I have I will have a massive library of use cases that I can share with you guys. And then you can create groups of filters just like can do in a hotspot custom reporting. Not exactly the same, but a fairly similar context. So you can create, you know, different groups of logics and you can use our and condition.
So you can go similar object and cross object. So for example, yeah, cancel. Yeah. Okay.
So for example, on this one, I'm using both. So So I'm checking on the deal level. The amount is greater than five thousand, fifty thousand and, on the associated contact, there is no decision maker and the buying goal is also unknown. So that's how I'm checking that. So this is pretty awesome.
Let me know if you have any questions. Actually, don't let me know. Let, the relevant people at super mad or someone. I'll tag them, just ping them to get this beta live for you. Thanks for joining me today. I'll see you in the next one.