Class 12: Conditional Property Logic
This is probably the largest update regarding CRM data and down the line, all kinds of, you know, different kinds of reporting and all of that good stuff related to data. So look at this. If I select priority, I select low, medium, nothing happens. Once I select high, see all of this good stuff appearing here, dependent properties.
And then, there are some required and some of them are not required. So if I fill this one, and let's say I, you know, fill this one with certain amount, It it allows me to save. But, for example, if I remove this and then fill this one, so it won't. One property has an error.
So because this three the top three are required, so it won't let me pass through. And then, previously, we could only do this when we were changing the pipeline. So we we could have this kind of validation when we were changing the pipelines. But now we can, you know, set the same setting, and it will appear here as well.
So qualified to buy. I have marked required just the priority, so I don't have to clutter the entire system. Now it's super clean. And as soon as I select, I don't have to ask for all of those properties when I don't need it.
If the deal priority is medium or low, I don't wanna bother the reps with extra noise, and they have to fill those NA information or not applicable or whatever you have. So when I see that high, this appears here. It's pretty cool. And just to show you visually, so there is, let's say this one.
I'm moving it to the next stage. I've marked only one property as required, and the other properties will only come up when this particular dependency is present, which is pretty cool. So it appears on the record level. It appears on the deal create form and and couple of other places.
So it's pretty cool. But for deals, we already have this, for some time. Let's, you know, try creating this for context just for demonstration purposes. Because for context and companies, we never had this kind of validation and governance framework, we just kind of hold.
So create logic, and I'm gonna, let's say, use my ICP fit ranking. And I'm gonna say, hey. You are marking a particular property as rank one, you better provide me with some solid information. So I'd say, persona, you'll have to mark the persona, and then you'll have to mark you have to let me know what their job title is, because I need that.
I don't wanna deal with students and stuff. Sorry. No offense to students, but just saying. I would, ask for their buying role.
Not required, but nice to have. I wouldn't mark it as required. Yeah. And that's it.
So one call out here. Don't basically add everything to as required just to fill out that one value. Otherwise, you know, use it with, some good strategy and with pinch of salt so that you don't let people so I'm like, if I see ten different properties just to mark rank one, I'd rather mark rank two and, you know, done with my day. So this is the preview.
I'll be marking you this rank two and just be with my day. And, if someone asked me, I'll just comment and say, hey. Because you guys were asking me so so much information, I didn't have that kind of time. I had to work on other leads, so I just mark it as rank two versus actually rank one.
And then you have to go back and then populate all of those values yourself. So use this with a pinch of salt, and then, as soon as you mark it, it will appear. So I haven't added that property on my left side view, the ICP ranking, and I wanna demo how it's gonna work from the like, if you view all properties. So what was that?
ICP rank, and then I wanna select rank one. Then it's gonna, open up this right side model, and then it's gonna ask me information. So wherever you are entering this particular information, if you're marking it as rank one, you'll have to, you know, provide more details while it rank one if you don't have any solid proof. So that's pretty much it.
Let me know what are your use cases and how, this is gonna make your life easier as ops professional. But, yeah, don't, be weird and mark everything mandatory for every single value. It's it's gonna, it's gonna decrease your adoption. So just use this strategically with, with, like, being cognizant and respectful of others' time as well.
So that's a wrap. I'll see you in the next one. Thank you.