Class 20: Deleting Custom Objects
There is nothing more satisfying than deleting a rogue custom object. And, you know, checking this box, I understand that, you know, it it cannot be restored. It's, like, so satisfying.
And getting this error that it couldn't be deleted, but in reality, this should have been already deleted. So the custom object is called as qb invoice. It's all dummy data, but I'm trying to make a point here on why you should really think through on on creating your custom object. So, like, it didn't delete.
Let's do it again. And, you you need to really think through when you're creating custom objects. So, for example, this is another custom object that has gone rogue, and we didn't we did a bad job. And just to again, this is a demo account, just to make my point.
Let's assume that we didn't talk this through and this particular custom object is now rogue. And now before I delete it, I need to take care of these one eighty one places where it is left out. So, now I have to go here and then check every single place where it's listed out. So I see, it's, it's in a couple of records, reports.
So first, you'll have to go through every single report and delete all of those reports. So let me do that. So you'll have to go ahead and, you know, delete it. If the reports are living on a singular dashboard, then you can just delete the dashboard if, the whole dashboard doesn't make sense.
If it's like living in other, another places like workflows list, pipeline forms, every single place that you see here. If it's listed here, you first have to remove it, then only you can remove it. So, let me just go ahead and delete this. Okay.
Now it looks like I have cleared out all of the reports. I'm gonna make sure that I need to, you know, delete these records as well. So if you need to take any backups of your records, you can feel free to do it at this stage. And if you wanted to any backup of any of the reports or any workflows or any downstream effects of those workflows that might be important, make sure you have a, sort of a audit sheet for documentation, where you're documenting your steps and you are jotting down any kind of impact assessment or any potential downstream effects, good or bad.
So note all of that down. So let me go ahead and, and move the records and come back. So looks like, we have, okay, let's do one more refresh.
And let's see. Okay. Looks like this is clean, and let's go ahead and click on delete custom object and delete it. So for some reason, it sometimes deletes in one go, sometimes it doesn't.
So it's a funky business, but it's like a new definition in your HubSpot instance. It's like a new schematic, so it's gonna take some time. And you see, like, we have a lot of weird, objects in here. It's our demo account, so that's for sure.
But the point here is when you're building out any custom object, make sure you define the purpose, make sure you understand what kind of relationship it's gonna have, what parts of it will be automated, where the data is gonna be coming from, from, like, forms, manual input, via APIs, third party app, whatnot. So make sure you know your data sources, make sure who is gonna be operating, what team is gonna be operating on top of that object, how you're gonna report all that. Make sure you answer and plan all of these questions ahead of time before you go ahead and create it because Once you create it, it's really hard to get rid of these.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. That's the point. Hopefully, this was some value. And let me know what other things that you struggle with in HubSpot and, maybe I can chat through that.
And maybe we can either collaborate on that if I find it interesting. See you.