Class 17: API Limit Workaround
Alright, folks. So I'm gonna share a solution that, will save you a lot of headache, when you're working with HubSpot API limits in any form.
Be it your custom coded actions, custom actions, any third party app that will be using HubSpot APIs. So this can be a nightmare if you are enrolling a large amount of records retroactively. For moving forward, it can pretty much handle it. But definitely, you can use this for NetNew as well if you have a large volume of records being created in the system.
So you can use it for net new as well. But for retroactive, this this is like a go to solution that I use. So the idea is to, you know, create this random split branches and you can do as many as you want. I have, done like eleven branches as for this demonstration purposes.
And I have added two minute two minutes of delay each, like a two minutes buffer for each delay. And then this is like a very basic code to segment out the number of calls that were made, from this total activity that HubSpot calculates for us the number of times contacted. So it doesn't give us a full picture of, hey. How many of those were calls?
How many of those were emails? So I'm using my custom code to segment this out. If you want the code, just comment, and I can, you know, share this with you. Okay.
So what you would do is you will create these delays. And how is this how this gonna work is, let's say you enrolled one thousand contacts in the system. Then it's gonna be evenly, evenly split, by this percentage. So for example, in my case, let's say I enrolled, ten thousand contact.
Let's pretend it's ten percent just for, you know, my math is bad. So one thousand will come in here. They'll wait for two minutes and then go into the system. And then next batch will go two minutes after and then so on and so forth.
Now, if you need, like, a more complex and more comprehensive one, you you don't need to worry about that. You can just, you know, if you run out of these, if you think like it's going super horizontal and you want much more better control, you can use other kinds of delay as well. But, you know, for this one random split works best. So you just copy all of the things and, maybe I'll just remove this one, the last branch.
And I'll copy the entire thing and paste it.
Now, exact same thing happening, but, at the last branch, maybe I can add a larger delay. So maybe I'll add a one hour of delay and then same thing's gonna happen. You can see I'm using a lot of go to actions.
Go to actions and that's pointing to my custom code. You don't wanna add a lot of custom code modules in your workflow. It's gonna slow your workflow down, and it's gonna drive you crazy. So just to be cognizant of that. Hopefully this helps, maybe get rid of some, you know, operations issues.
So, yeah. I'll see you in the next video.